Test Run

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If you used your E-card card on the test run, you can download the card and check the results.

Whether you use Mulka2 or MTR

You may either use Mulka2 or MTR to check the test run result. You can check if the test runner visited every control in the correct order, and what the result time was, by only using the MTR. There are pros and cons of using MTR or Mulka2, so decide which one to use depending on the situation.
If you use MTR to download, you can check easily by using only the MTR (and a printer). MTR is light and easy to use, therefore, the test runner can carry the MTR himself and download his E-card on his own.
On the contrary, if you use Mulka2 to download, the results will be shown, clearly and neatly, on the PC screen. Also, by downloading the card on Mulka2, you can check if there are any mistakes on the Mulka2 course data. However, in order to download the card on Mulka2, everything needs to be prepared: the PC has to be turned on, the MTR has to be connected to the PC, etc.

How to download the test runner's E-card using Mulka2

Main Window's menu bar: [Emit/SI]>[E-card] or Ctrl+E

メインウインドウのメニューバーの[ツール(T)]-[Eカード読み取り(E)]をクリックするとEカード読み取り画面が表示されます。 モード選択欄が表示されるので試走カード読み取りを選択し、 リーディングユニットまたはMTRが接続されているCOMポート番号と使用機材を選択して接続ボタンをクリックします。 COMポート番号がわからない場合こちらで確認してください。 また、読み取りに使用する機材や接続方法についてはこちらを参考してください。